

The symposium explored the uptake of EAFM by the deep-sea RFMOs managing demersal and small pelagic finfish and shellfish species. It introduced aspects of EAFM relevant to the dsRFMOs (see background document) and looked at scientific (Day 1) and management (Day 2) considerations. The final day (Day 3) worked towards the development of guidance to dsRFMOs on their continued uptake of EAFM.


Each day started with a keynote speaker who also acted as the Chair for the day. There were three individual 1½ hour panel sessions, each with a facilitator and three session speakers. Time was set aside for discussion.



PDFs for abstracts, background document, concept note, Expressions of Interest (facilitators and session speakers), Programme, Posters, List of participants.


List of participants


With the technical cooperation/support of the

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