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Applying the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in ABNJ

11-13 March, 2025
FAO Headquarters - Rome, Italy

The symposium

Symposium meeting of three days with keynote addresses and presentations and discussion in a panel-style format with session facilitators. Poster sessions will provide additional information. The proceedings will be published in the open-access Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science.

Each day will start with a keynote address. The keynote speaker will act as the Chair for the day.

  • Day 1SCIENCE:  Retained species, discarded and vulnerable species, ecosystem effects.
  • Day 2MANAGEMENT: Retained species, discarded and vulnerable species, ecosystem effects.
  • Day 3DEVELOPING GUIDANCE FOR IMPLEMENTATION: Lessons learnt, gap analyses, governance and mandates, industry and food supply, biodiversity, trade-offs, EAFM implementation – guidance.

This EAFM symposium is directed to assisting the management of deep-sea fisheries, especially for demersal and small pelagic species. This is undertaken by flag states through regional organisations with the mandate to manage these species.

The symposium will also be relevant to other organisations and individuals with interests in the sustainable management of fishery resources and in reducing impacts from fishing in the high seas.

With the technical cooperation/support of the

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