Welcome ceremony
Manuel Barange,
Assistant Director-General and Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO
Introducing the symposium
Tony Thompson DSF Project, FAO
Keynote speaker – An introduction to EAFM – how science is working to support EAFM in the North Atlantic
Colm Lordan,
1.1 Retained species
20 min
Speaker 1: Sustainable Fisheries: Mitigating the Ecological Impacts of Removing Commercially Valuable Fish and Shellfish on Marine Ecosystems
Patrícia Gonçalves, Portugal
Speaker 2: CCAMLR’s ecosystem approach to fisheries management
Steve Parker, CCAMLR
Speaker 3: NEREIDA programme: Analysis of VMS and Logbook data to study the bottom fishing footprint in the NAFO Regulatory Area
Mar Sacau Cuadrado, Spain
Keynote speaker – Environmental Control on the Productivity of a Heavily Fished Ecosystem
Frédéric Cyr, Canada
1.2 Discarded and vulnerable species
Speaker 1: Methods and challenges for identifying vulnerable marine ecosystems as part of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management: perspectives from SPRFMO
Ashley Rowden, NZ
Speaker 2: GFCM actions to monitor and mitigate bycatch in the Mediterranean and Black Sea
Paolo Carpentieri, GFCM
Speaker 3: Recent steps towards incorporating assessment of impacts to vulnerable and discarded bycatch species into ecosystem-based management of fisheries in the NPFC Convention Area and pathways for future improvement
Chris Rooper, Canada
1.3 Ecosystem effects and spatial management
Speaker 1: Setting thresholds for good ecosystem state in marine seabed systems
Jan Geert Hiddink, UK
Speaker 2: Unseen but Connected: Exploring how Connectivity affects the EAFM
Ellen Kenchington, Canada
Speaker 3: Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in SIOFA
Marco Milardi, SIOFA Secretariat
Keynote speaker – The Ecosystem-Approach to Fisheries Management under International Law
Blaise Kuemlangan, FAO Dani Diz, UK
2.1 Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management – managers’ perspectives
Speaker 1: Managing the science-management interface
Liz Mencher, USA
Speaker 2: Past, Present, and Future – the development of EAFM
Stefán Ásmundsson, Iceland
Speaker 3: A fisheries manager’s perspective on EAFM at NAFO
Kate Johnson, Canada
2.2 Reconciling sustainable harvest with biodiversity conservation – science-management interface
Speaker 1: The ecosystem approach to fisheries management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
Betula Morello, GFCM
Speaker 2: Trade-offs between fishing opportunities and VME fishery closures: Establishing practical and sustainable management measures
Andy Kenny, UK
Speaker 3: Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems: the ICES Experience in Controlling and Communicating Spatial Uncertainty in Advice
Neil Campbell, ICES
Keynote speaker: Dialogue and participatory processes at the science-management interface: Making ecosystem overfishing considerations operational within the NAFO Roadmap for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
Mariano Koen-Alonso, Canada
2.3 EAFM and the tuna world
Speaker 1: Progress and Challenges in Implementing the EAFM in tuna RFMOs
Hilario Murua, ISSF
Speaker 2: Ongoing efforts to operationalize EAFM in tuna RFMOs: practical tools and advisory product
María José Juan-Jorda, Spain
Speaker 3: Seapodym: Modelling physical-biological interaction between fish populations and the ocean pelagic ecosystem
Inna Senina, France
Keynote speaker – Ecosystem approach to fisheries management – FAO’s work and its uptake by RFMOs
Merete Tandstad, FAO Marcelo Vasconcellos, FAO
3.1 Implementation
Speaker 1: From theory to practice: Supporting decision-makers to lead the implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management
Jean-Christophe Vandevelde, Pew
Speaker 2: Implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries management in the United States with ecosystem and socioeconomic profiles
Abigail Tyrell, USA
Speaker 3: Art of Balance: EAFM – Industry perspective
Hrefna Karlsdottir, Iceland industry
3.2 Spatial resource management and biodiversity conservation
Speaker 1: Challenges and opportunities in applying ecosystem-based approaches in deepwater fisheries
Rui Vieira, UK
Speaker 2: Fisheries and the Global Biodiversity Framework: Key challenges and opportunities
Joe Appiott, CBD
Speaker 3: Spatial measures in RFMO management – a summary
Keynote speaker – The role and development of ecoregions to implement EAFM in dsRFMOs
Mark Dickey-Collas, UK